The repository is a searchable electronic database of materials relating to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its protocols (collectively the ‘CTC’).

The repository includes documents provided by UNIDROIT, ICAO, OTIF, and many others. The documents consist of legal texts; developmental and legislative documents from before, during, and after the diplomatic conferences; international registry materials; national documents relating to the implementation of the CTC; cases and administrative activity; scholarly articles; professional materials; materials related to the economic assessment of the CTC; and instructional materials.

The repository is organised into databases by category of material. You may also find documents on a country-by-country basis. Alternatively, click here to see all the documents in the Repository.

The list below contains additional information about the databases and links to access them:

Developmental and Legislative MaterialPreparatory materials, acts and proceedings from the diplomatic conferences, including the Official Commentaries by chapter

Economic AssessmentDocuments relating to the economic assessment of the CTC

Instructional MaterialsDescriptive and self-instructional materials on the CTC and supplemental modules integrating the CTC into academic classes

International Registry MaterialsCurrent and developmental materials related to each international registry

National Implementation MaterialNational documents and legal materials relating to CTC ratification and implementation by contracting states, and summaries describing the actions taken by such contracting states

Operative Legal TextsCurrent versions of the Convention, Protocols, and Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry

Guides to the Cape Town ConventionMaterials intended for courts, civil aviation authorities, practitioners, academics, and all others using or interpreting CTC

Professor Sir Roy Goode’s Official CommentariesOfficial Commentaries by chapter and annotations thereto, as well as the Principles-Based Guides to the Official Commentary

Reporting on Judicial ActivityDocuments associated with judicial actions related to the CTC

Academic TextsScholarly articles and books on the CTC

Video LibraryVideos explaining the CTC and its Protocols